Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Of Connections and Conversations: A Day in the Life

So today, I made an important discovery.

No, it wasn't that Dvorak is random, unorganized dissonant and remarkably difficult to play due to many accidental sharps, flats and imaginary notes.

I found that out yesterday.

What I found out today will positively astound you. On one condition: you have to be well-versed in unknown Hollywood westerns of the 1940s and/or WWII military heroes. Or have the ability to utilize Google.

Have you ever heard of Audie Murphy? He was a WWII military hero and 1940s Hollywood cowboy. The name is probably remotely familiar. TCM (Turner Classic Movies) is always playing promos for boxed sets of his films. And the name is pretty common sounding.

This is Audie Murphy.

and, according to the genealogy book on our bookshelf, we are related to him distantly (I repeat, distantly) by a common ancestor, so-and-so Lunsford. I am excited, and this was one of the two things that made my day today.

...anyway, other than making such important excavations, I am planning on going to the Majestic Theatre tomorrow to see the matinee of...wait for it..."Mary Poppins on Broadway!" Of course, it's not actually on Broadway, but you get the idea. I am very excited. I shall wear heels. (I'm having a random day.)

I am also working on a quintet that involves the previously mentioned Dvorak. I will say no more.

The good thing about being homeschooled is that your mom has executive power...she decided that I could "rearrange" my Tuesday to be able to study for the PSAT more, and so I spent the day listening to Geometry lectures. Joy and joy! 

Oh, yeah. The PSAT. ahem.

One nice thing to do to blow off some steam/relax/enjoy a little life is talk to your friend in South Dakota! (Unless you don't have a friend in South Dakota, in which case you should look into the nearest asylum.) Anyway, it was a great conversation, and we talked about a lot: they have salsa way up thar, just like in Texas (I was shocked), they don't have Chipotle (I was saddened), and other such various and sundry things.  It was the other event that made my day.

Tomorrow I have to get up. Isn't that sad? I guess it is mostly normal, but still.

It's late and I've started rambling. I'll just shut the computer now, I've become incoherent.

(which is Spanish for "Oh, there goes my brain.")


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