Tuesday, September 27, 2011


(no particular reason for this pic, except it makes me happy)

First off, I want to thank everyone who offered words of comfort after the tragic events of two weeks ago. All of your sympathies were very much appreciated. Thank you...

I've been ridiculously busy lately, which does indeed explain why posting just hasn't been happening. Here's some of the things that I've done:

- Homework. Writing papers, reading books, trying (trying, trying, trying) to process the gobbledy-gook that is Chemistry (and math), violin...this doesn't even scratch the surface of the mind-bending craziness.

-I got to volunteer at a banquet for a pregnancy help center last Tuesday. It was a blast, and I really enjoyed it...but I also have decided that I should never be a waitress.

-I saw West Side Story (film) a couple of days ago. It was an amazing movie. I kind of hated the two lead characters (Tony especially just got on my nerves), but I cried at the end.  Possibly because it was late at night. Anyways, I may or may not be getting a movie review of sorts up here in the near or not-near future. (See how non-committal I sound? See above.)

- I have proven the fact that I'm happier and smarter when my room in neat. It's decided...I hiring a maid.

- I am very angry that "Sherlock" Series 2 doesn't come out till May. Very Angry.

- I am very happy that an Orange Leaf has opened up in the neighborhood. If you don't know what that is, you need to Google it. If there's not one near you...move.

- Heels and pearl necklaces with an all black outfit make me happy. I think I'll wear them everyday. Yes.

- Well, that's pretty much it for today. I am looking forward to yet another jam-packed week, and here's hoping I squeeze a little living in there!

The End.

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