Thursday, September 15, 2011

Patience Puppy


The last 17 hours, I've been feeling like I'm living in a nightmare, and wish I could wake up.

Last night was a terrible evening. Long story (female beagle with a mind of her own, got out of backyard, made it onto busy street outside subdivision) short, our dog was hit by a car last night and we had to put her down.

 Patience was the sweetest dog I've ever met. I am technically not a  "dog person" and often felt like I wasn't giving her the attention she needed, but I did love her and I miss her like crazy right now.

Sometimes I complained about her, she barked and it was hard to make her stop She  had a history of getting away and running around the neighborhood, she'd even gotten on to that street once before without incident. Sometimes we'd talk about trying to find a ranch for her to live on where these things weren't an issue,  not because we hated her, but because we wanted to do right by her.

Right now, I'm trying to just dwell on the good things: the memories that I have of her eight years with us and the good things that I can manage to glean from last night.

She was allergic to fish. Or Beneful. Or fish-flavored Beneful.

That my dad had followed her in his car and was there to pick her up, so she didn't just suffer after being hit.

That she knew he was there with her.

That vets have sedatives.

That God kept Daddy safe when he went onto the busy street to retrieve her.

That no one was hurt in any way trying to avoid hitting her.

That I gave her the pieces of chicken night before last.

That I pet her last night. She was following me around because she could smell other dogs on me.

That last week was nice weather-wise and she could enjoy outside.

That we've been letting her sleep inside instead of the garage because it was so hot.

That she loved the cats.

Like I said, sweetest dog in the world.

I remember one time when Georgie was a little bitty kitten, he mistook her for his mom. She had the most priceless shocked look on her face.

this was not a posed picture.

I remember that when Otis was a kitten, we'd let him outside and Patience would play with him, dragging him around by the head or ears. But she was so gentle and never even got close to hurting him or Georgie.

Otis' first day in our house. I think Patience would like him to play with her, but he's just not ready.

She couldn't stand other dogs, unless they were about the size of the cats.

Daddy and the little girls took her to the farmer's market downtown last weekend. I wish I'd been there. But I'm glad she was.

She used to climb trees. Even almost-completely-vertical trees. It was quite interesting.

I remember when we took her to Lost Maples two autumns ago. She loved the water, even though it was freezing. I always loved watching her explore new surroundings.

I remember when we got her. She was in a big with a bunch of other beagle puppies outside HEB. Mommy and Daddy, deciding it wouldn't hurt to look stopped the car. Yeah.

In the winter, I'd spread a big blue blanket on the chair in my room and let her sleep there.

She loved it when we played with her. However, we had to kick the racquetball, she never would let us touch it.

She was a beagle. She howled.

She would come upstairs to comfort me if I was having a bad day and just look at me with her big brown eyes, give me kisses and let me hug her. I wish she were here now.

I realize that in the grand scheme of things, this is pretty small. Horrible things happen to humans every single day. When all is said and done, this is just a dog.  But right now, to me, this feels like a pretty big deal. I know I'll get over it, and write this post was one step in that direction. I'm sorry if I'm not the normal smiley Olivia that y'all know.

I guess all I can do now is seize the day, and appreciate everything and everyone. They won't last forever.


Näna said...

Oh, Olivia, I'm so sorry! That has to be so hard. I love what you gleaned from this though: Seize the day and appreciate the little things. Because they don't last for forever.

Praying for you and your family!


Olivia said...

thanks so much, Nana. Your prayers are very much appreciated.

Grafted Branch said...

Oh Sweet, this is a beautiful tribute and I love you. ~Mommy

Unknown said...

I'm *so* sorry, Lucie. What wonderful memories you have of her that you can treasure forever! I'll be praying for you and your family - this kind of thing is so difficult.



Unknown said...

(just realized I called you Lucie...sorry, old habit *grin*)

Jane said...

I am new to blogging so I was doing some blog hopping, and I found your cool blog! Great post!