Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This Is The Life

First, I want to start by thanking everyone who came over from Lucie Land to here...I'm really happy that y'all are interested in continuing our blog friendship! And my name is actually Olivia, but if you can't help yourself, I won't block your URL for calling me Lucie. ;)

On the agenda for this lovely triple-digit afternoon is:

1) math homework (something I really should be doing right now, but I can type fast).
2) teach a violin lesson--that's right, something you didn't know about me. I teach now!
3) teach myself The Entertainer on the piano. Please, plug your ears until I say it's ok.

That's all. I usually get more done, but it is 4:12, and the bulk of my Wednesday is over.

That's all for now, sorry  that this was sort of a trivial post, but I felt like it. Spontaneous, that's what

Au Revoir!



Marian said...

I like spontaneous posts. :) That's cool you're teaching violin! I've taught beginner piano before, but I have a feeling violin would be a lot harder...

Näna said...

I love spontaneous posts! Congrats on teaching! Do you enjoy it? I taught piano for a while (still teach my little siblings) was just okay though. :)

Oh, the Entertainer is really fun to play. Love Joplin's stuff.

Olivia said...

@Marian: Violin can be harder, just because of all the different technique...but as long as they practice, it's not the worst thing ever. I enjoy it. :)

@Nana: I enjoy it a lot! I teach my little sister as well as other people. It can be really hard to actually follow through with even just one sibling's lesson...I can't imagine more than one! ;)