Saturday, July 16, 2011

Feelin' Forties

I'm one of those slightly wacky people who do one, some, or all of the following:

watches old movies
listens to The Andrews Sisters (and other '40s music)
listens to old radio plays
is not afraid of corny-ness
loves the color red on its own merit, and also because that's the color they painted their nails back then.
paints *her* nails red
knows the names of all the old movie stars, and most of their relationships with each other
picks clothes based on the era she feels like. Generally, this spans 1930's-1950's.

Consider yourself warned.

Right now, I'm just sitting here listening to a 1945 broadcast of Jack Benny, and am in a mood that I describe as "feelin' forties." Since it's the end of the day, I already painted my nails red, and there's not really much of a point in dressing to fit the mood...or watching a movie to fit the mood...or in writing a book to fit the mood. So a post attempting to describe this feeling is going to have to do.

Feelin' Forties is...

Feelin' forties is the sensation when you realize that the golden age of not only Hollywood, but the whole idea of classy-ness, is practically dead. It's a sort of hopelessness, and is worsened by gazing at pictures of the ordinary people going about their ordinary lives. With style and dignity. 

Feelin' forties intensifies the feeling that I've felt on a regular basis since I was 8 years old and obsessed with the Revolutionary War--the feeling that I was most definitely born in the wrong century. Or decade. But whatever.

Feelin' forties is when I am inspired to sew. Because I am a poor teenager who cannot afford to fill her closet with $80 vintage items off of Etsy, size 2 (which is way too small, just so you know). So I must content myself with finding some time to sew my own. Good thing I have a love/hate relationship with that ol' sewing machine.

Feelin' forties is the momentary determination to reform the world back to the days of 'do your bit' and home front thrifty-ness. (Preferably without the war.)

Forgive my running on and on. It's late on a Saturday night, and I don't have any more intelligent thoughts running through my head.

Feelin' Forties,


Näna said...

I agree with you 110%! I wish the classiness and elegance of the forties was still alive today. And three cheers for the sewing machine! Few things as fun as making some vintage clothing. :)

Meredith said...

ahh the forties.
don't you wish time machines were invented already?

Olivia said...

@Nana: they were classy and elegant, weren't they? In those days, even going dancing at a 'club' a la Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire was a respectable thing to do...not like now. :P

@Meredith: time machines would be the one thing that could reconcile me to this decade/century, should they be invented. :)